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Authenticity vs Influence

Your own voice is what you need to hear...

It is said that praying is us talking to the Universe and meditation is listening to the response. How do we know if we are the one talking or if the voice, we are listening to is really the universe responding back. We are bombarded daily with so much noise that it has become hard to even hear ourselves or to even know if we are the one talking. From social media influencers to content creators, to motivational speakers and gurus. It seems like everyone knows the best way to act, behave and to live your life. Or they all know what exactly you must do to change your life for the better, to make better choices. All over social media, you will find someone that wants to influence you, but their real goal is to go viral, their intentions are to be liked and shared enough to give them a platform to keep talking to. There is no room for originality and content creation is just putting a spin on what the last person has done. There is no motivation or inspiration to be authentic, nobody is genuine and they’re regurgitating something someone else has done.

You have podcasts and videos for everything you can think of and they’re talking about things and putting out things without thinking how it’ll affect the listeners It takes one split second of illogical, irrational thinking for someone to harm themselves or someone else and with so many voices and people trying to influence others, you have no idea how the message is being received, or perceived. People are manipulated by the music they listen to and the voices that they hear. And we can all be fixated on things we feel close to, and these influences can sometimes be fatal. Most people spend time improving their physical being and forget that the mental needs to be healthy, consuming drugs whether prescribed or recreational and the worst possible drugs known to men is attention and it is a form of payment for what we consume daily. Decency and morality are nonexistent because people are doing all they can to get your attention. Negativity and indecency are consumed quicker than anything positive or uplifting. Everyone is “woke” and wants to tell you about what you should not eat. It all about sex and there are tons of podcasts telling how you should have sex and how many people should be in your relationship. You have plenty of these alpha males telling you how you should be this jerkoff that treat women like doormat, trying to motivate you to be the best version of yourself and because some of us have consumed so much of their voices, they’ve amassed hefty sum of money from dudes and women who are suffering from low self-esteem and a lack of self-confidence. Acting like a jerkoff is compensating because most gravitate toward the controversial shock value preaching of the internet. But they find solace, comfort in knowing that they cannot be judged, they can hide their true intentions and true selves behind an avatar, behind a voice. Because when you look on the outside of the worldwide web, into the void that is supposed to be reality, there’s not much help because being genuine get you hated, and the nice guy and the virtuous woman aren’t what’s trending. You can walk around and find a church in every corner yet so many walk around like lost souls, trying to find somewhere they can be at peace.

So, the voices that you hear, are the really your voices? The peace that you are seeking, is it really your peace, the happiness, that success? Are they really your ideal, genuine success that you are chasing, when it is influenced by all these voices, videos and content? All that you are looking for on the outside, someone were to tell you that it is found within. Would you believe that, when you don’t even have confidence enough to silence the noise long enough to hear yourself speaking?

People need to learn how to get their inner dialogue back to a healthy one. It is not an easy task but at least you’ll be able to differentiate between the toxic outside voices seeking to influence your thought and the inner voice that’ll help you deepen your understanding of yourself and eventually the world around you. To learn the monsters inside your head and navigate through their voices to hear your real authentic, genuine voice is a feat everyone should try to achieve in their lives. Through such commitment, you will certainly be able to find your true purpose in life and live a better, more fulfilling life. Through praying (speaking to your Deity, Universe) and meditation (listening to your Deity, Universe). You customize your own prayers (authentic to your own voice and how you want it to sound), remaining in constant state of prayer and gratitude and meditation to listen to what you must vibrate into the world outside of you.

Prayer and Meditation

Calm the mind and bring a kind of peace that is unmatched to the outside world. Praying doesn’t have to be loud and contrary to widespread belief it doesn’t have to be to an outside deity. It can be a silent conversation with yourself, a reflective state of mind asking for the questions that need answers and once you have entered that state of mind, meditation becomes easy, and the more you practice it, the more experienced you will be at it. And keeping yourself in a constant state of gratitude is rewarding for your mind, soul, and body.

We are all living through our own experience and if you have found these words useful in helping you open to a better experience, please share it with someone you know who needs to read this. Too many have fallen due to mental illness. A better approach to mental health is needed and a focus on becoming more genuine and less influenced.

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