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Morning Prayer

Dear God,

I come to you as your humble son

I thank you for waking me up this morning, it’s a miracle that happens everyday and with my grateful heart I cherish it.

It is toward you that I look for knowledge and the wisdom to understand the things around me.

Please remove from my tongue, any bitterness and from my heart, all envies. Give me the patience to wait and receive as I deserve and give me the strength to manifest all the blessings reserved for me.

Place your hand over my head to bless and purify my heart, so when I extend my arm to those in need. It’ll be with the purest of intentions.

I may not live as you have designed, I am not perfect but I pray you forgive my transgressions. Instill in me the integrity to walk a path that is honorable, desirable in your eyes.

Use me as an instrument of truth, peace and love. Guide my steps as I help to guide my brothers out of the darkness and into the Light…

As it is written, so shall it be….


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